Family Play Inclusion Support

Bath Area Play Project have developed this unique and valuable service through funding from the B&NES Play Service. The service is based in the Bath area with a similar service run by Wansdyke Play Association for those resident in NE Somerset.


Led by James Beattie, the small staff team work with children age 5 to 15 years and their families, supporting access to play provision that meets their needs supporting the whole family to better understand the value of play and using play as a process of engagement and support to develop stronger family bonds.


From December 2013, we will be building on the work that we do with vulnerable children and their families and extending the reach of the service with 3 year Lottery funding from Reaching Communities.


How to apply for the Inclusion Support service


The service is based in the Bath area with a similar service run by Wansdyke Play Association (WPA) for those resident in NE Somerset.

  • We provide individual support for children to enable them to have access to play, develop social networks with peers and develop confidence
  • We also provide bespoke groups responding to the demand for this service with similar outcomes and also improved behaviour management or improved attachment and reduced social isolation
  • Intensive family play support to embed strategies and support and build confidence with jointly agreed outcomes using the family partnership model
  • Advocacy in Reviews or CP conferences and closely linked multi-agency work supporting positive change
  • Intensive play support to enable inclusion in a community or school environment or specific support at key times e.g. Lunchtimes
  • Play Nurture groups in conjunction with schools

A home visit is completed for every request so that the Family Play Inclusion Worker can build a clear picture based on the issues the family and child think are important and steps are agreed to work towards improving outcomes for children.


We work not just with the child but with the whole family as this ensures that the family and child agree the outcomes together and supports increased understanding of the value and role that play has for their child’s development as well as the role of the family in the child’s life.


Children MUST be referred using a Request for Support Form. This is because we have a limit to the number of children we can support at any one time. We operate a waiting list for the Family Play Support Service.

Want to Apply

Download a request for support form to apply for this service.


Our Work

The Family Play Support Team have worked with over 130 children and their families since 2011 and are proud of the positive changes that have been made by families. Through play, these have made a huge difference to relationships in families and parents have a better understanding of their children’s play and their behaviour. In 2012/13, with financial support from an anonymous local benefactor, have been able to:

  • Run two Playful Families groups in Bath which have grown into thriving and safe places for children and families to spend time playing together.
  • Piloted a Play Out Wild group in different local environments, supporting increased self-esteem and building connections with peers.
  • Taken on two allotments where families are taking the lead in preparing, growing and eating fruit and vegetables together at their own pace.
  • Run a group for children not accessing school or are highly socially isolated supporting their confidence in connecting with peers

Our team

Our team is made up of 2 Family Play Support Workers and 4 Community Play Support Workers. Work will be either individual, small group or family group based on the intervention required. We are part of the B&NES Early Help Offer and use CAFs to support and develop services that best help children and families to meet their outcomes.


We have put together an Evaluation Report which concludes that the service is flexible and responsive and supports families to build on their strengths to move forward. Click on the image to view the report.

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All BAPP services contribute to the B&NES Children & Young people's Plan ©Bath Area Play Project 2014. Registered charity number 1013897